Top 9 Social Media Sites/Apps for Teens
As a POT (parent of a teen) it is VITAL that you know what apps your teen is using. Below, are the top 9 social media/networking sites/apps that teens use.

Messaging App
Can capture a picture or brief video
Can add a doodle or filter over top
The message will self-destruct after seconds of a person viewing it
Photo-sharing application
Users can share pictures and videos either publicly or privately
An app where users can broadcast short (140) character messages
A social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests
This is done by pinning (posting) images or videos to their own or other's boards
Users can also browse what others have pinned
Part micro-blogging tool
Part social community
Similar to text messaging services
However, it uses the internet instead of the phone company
TikToK formerly
A social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short music videos
Source: Statista