Children are hungry

I’m sure you are well aware of this, and perhaps you’re already looking forward to your teenager’s appetite being satisfied for more than an hour this Thanksgiving. I’m certain that if I counted how many times my three children said “I’m hungry” in a single day, the total would be well into the double digits. The persistent request for snacks has become a joke among parents on social media and although it can be comical at times, this dance between parent and child can also reflect a deeper truth.
Children are hungry.
Hungry for acceptance
Hungry for stability
Hungry for unconditional love
Hungry for encouragement
Hungry for guidance
Hungry for safety
Hungry for recognition
Hungry for hope
Paul Tripp describes these hunger pangs beautifully. He writes, “Our deepest hungers are not physical; they are deeply spiritual. Our hearts growl with hunger for what was meant to be, for how the world was designed to be, for what we were created to be, for rescue from what was not meant to be.”
As you approach this holiday season, consider what your teenager is deeply hungry for. The break from school responsibilities and change in your family's routine could provide an excellent opportunity to intentionally check-in on your teen’s mental, emotional, and relational well-being. While you talk, ask how you can personally help them where they are struggling or brainstorm life-giving ways that they can move toward health.
Remember that you don’t need to have a solution to every hunger of your child’s heart. The longing of their souls can only be fully satisfied by the God who “satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” (Psalm 107:9) He will never tire of hearing “I’m hungry” from his children, and is willing and able to meet every need.
Janelle Kelly
Project BestLife Specialist