Mike Van Drie
Feb 14, 2017
How to Peer Pressure Proof Your Teen
What if you could peer pressure proof your teen? My guess is that you would be pretty excited. In my time working with teens I have seen...
Blog Goal:The Talk With Your Teen blog encourages and equips Christian parents to have consistent, open, and meaningful conversations with their teenagers about relational and sexual health.
About us: This blog is hosted by The Joshua Center from Positive Options. The Joshua Center exists to mobilize the body of Christ to embody the Gospel as we build a culture of life in West Michigan.
As a parent, you understand how important it is to have healthy, meaningful conversations with your teen. Offering consistent support is key to their emotional, physical, social, and spiritual growth. However, knowing when, how, and what to address can feel overwhelming.
Time with your kids is often limited, and sensitive teen topics can be difficult to navigate. Many parents, for a variety of reasons, find it hard to feel confident and equipped. Perhaps you’re unsure how to keep up with social issues and trends, or past experiences make conversations about healthy choices more difficult. Or maybe you’re simply seeking new ways to approach familiar challenges.
We’re here to guide you on your parenting journey. Our team of writers offers practical tools and encouragement grounded in a Biblical relational and sexual ethic. Visit our blog to gain insights, prepare for, and celebrate building stronger relationships with your teen through open, healthy conversations. Please email us for more information: